Northern kingfish

Friday, June 29, 2012

Six Month Check-in and Thank You

In a couple of days, I will be at the half-way point of this “2012 Fish Big Year” adventure. My goal was to see 100-species of fish within a calendar year- similar to what the birders do.  With the completion of my recent Tennessee trip and opening up the Minnow Aquarium on Third Beach, I am now  at over 80-species, so I am well on my way to achieving this goal.

Meanwhile, my friends told me I should write a blog about this undertaking, and I have. What is fascinating is that through today, my blog has had about 400-page views, and while that number certainly is unremarkable, what is amazing is where the readers have come from; in addition to the United States, I have had readers from Russia, England, Canada, Germany, Austrailia, Turkey, South Korea, Norway, and Latvia.  Wow, readers from four continents-a small readership acculminated in six-months for such an obscure subject (Me-not the fish).  That is some power of the web.

So, based on these numbers, this particular blog entry is really a thank you to all the people who have read these entries these past six months. Thank you for taking time out to read them.
Next entry recounts my trip to America's Fish Mecca- Tennessee.

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