Northern kingfish

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Third Beach Minnow Aquarium

The Third Beach Minnow Aquarium is alive and well for the second summer.

As part of the Norman Bird Sanctuary's summer camp, the idea is to let the campers help seine for marine specimens on the beach and then display the animals in the aquarium. At the end of the summer, all the local life goes back into the ocean and any tropicals that we have caught which have come north in the Gulf Stream are donated to the larger regional aquarii.  The kids love it.

This year we have also added freshwater tanks.

So far we have netted:

Northern silverside
Summer flounder
Windowpane flounder
Sand lance
Atlantic herring
Striped killifish
Northern pipefish
Northern pufferfish
Northern kingfish
Permit jack
Northern sea robin
Striped sea robin
Black sea bass

Brown bullhead
Golden shiner


Northern kingfish

Northern pipefish

Northern puffer


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