Northern kingfish

Monday, January 30, 2012

Two More Fish


Not sure if goldfish and carp are countable. I remembered that a pond on the estate grounds of a local private club has some in them about 20-years ago. This was my goal, and at daybreak Saturday morning,  once I got to the pond via the adjacent estate now turned into an apartment complex, I realized that in the subsequent decades, the estate is not as visitor-friendly as it once was. The pond was also bigger than I had remembered and if were still any goldfish or carp in the pond, they were going to have to be dipnetted. And this was not the time or place to go dipnetting for goldfish, broad daylight dressed like a cat-burgler, so I hastily retreated.

Now if I don’t find another goldfish pond, I’m just going have to go back in on some forsaken rainy night.

After being foiled on the estate, I went to the Hazard Road marshes and then scoured the downtown docks for any signs of fish and found only one silversides that was mortally wounded swimming in circles.

After sunset I went to the Hazard Road marshes to set the minnow trap. Afterwards, I looked around the culvert that earlier was devoid of fish. Now that it was dark, the same area was alive with fish.

                                                                           In this photo, the presumed mummichogs (Fish #5) are in three separate spots
 I also saw but was unable to photgraph a small American eel (Fish #6) swimming against the outgoing tide.   

Predawn Sunday, I retrieved the minnow trap with this sole occupant.

     The rocks on the far bank were where the mummys were photographed the previous night
                                                                                  Habitat shot
Finally, while mucking around in the marsh, I sank once deeply into the mire. Here were my socks later after I got back.

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