Northern kingfish

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Two More Fish on Sunday

Sunday I bicycled around Easton’s and Green End Ponds. After yesterday’s 60-degree weather, today was sunny and only a little less balmy. Remarkable for this time of year. I forget it is early January.
                                                                                                   Easton's Pond
Surrounding the pond is a dike. In it, I found this school of fish.
                                                                                  Banded killifish (Fish #3)

Continuing around the ponds, at the Green End Pond inflow from Bailey’s Brook, there is an overpass. At this overpass, a few years ago during a Christmas Bird Count, I saw a school of fish, however I couldn’t identify them. Yesterday I investigated once more. This is what I found.

                                                                                   White suckers (Fish #4)                                          
Later I took a picture of this bird.

                                                                                  Male hooded merganser

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